next is Roll, which is the Hight of the Port or Starboard sides are (Right or Left) This contrals if you want to go left or right without turning your nose this can be contraled by moving your mouse Left to Right. Now To move use the mouse: Pitch (Vertical Nose angle) contrals If your moving foward or Back Pitch is contraled by moving the mouse foward or Back. When you pressed alt the blades started spinning, so now use that, find a open space and try this out: Press W, that accends the helicopter at a quick rate, so be careful ,and right now try to stay at a vertical angle, now If you went too high press S, the deccends the Helicopter, also take caution.
As we left it: operation mode on, Local veiw or First person. No matter if your a Cargo, a Attack, Dustoff crew, or the most elite squad in the world, the most important thing is takeoff.